Employers urged to electronically file payroll tax returns by Oct. 31
While paper filing is available, the IRS strongly encourages e-filing. E-filing is the most secure, accurate method to file returns and saves taxpayers' time.
E-filing is easy with auto-populating forms and schedules with a step-by-step process that performs calculations for the employer.
The IRS acknowledges receipt of e-filed returns within 24 hours, giving taxpayers reassurance that their return was not misplaced or lost in the mail. E-file users also receive missing information alerts.
Two options to electronically file payroll tax returns
Employers can choose to self-file by purchasing IRS-approved software that meets their specific needs. There may be a fee to electronically file returns through the software, and the software will require a signature to e-file the returns.
Depending on the software they choose, taxpayers will have one or both of the following options:
- Apply for an online signature PIN
- Scan and attach Form 8453-EMP, Employment Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file Return, for the required signature.
The second option for employers is to hire a tax professional to prepare and file their employment tax returns. Taxpayers can use the Authorized IRS e-file Provider Locator Service to find a tax professional who can file on behalf of the business.
For more information on electronic filing of payroll tax returns, see the E-file Employment Tax Forms page.